Authentic leadership……….how the world could do with a large dose of this! For leaders across the world, the ability to communicate effectively and pick up the signs and signals from across the business are critical. Encouraging people to offer unvarnished feedback, in the moment can make all the difference.

Humans have an innate ability to sense their immediate environment, internally and externally, rapidly responding to threat or opportunity through the receptors linked to their Central Nervous System (CNS). As technology has evolved, leaders now have access to software that mimics the CNS, referred to as an ‘business nervous system’ (BNS) for business. It can complement their inherent curiosity and commitment to hearing from deep within and at the edge of their organisations to make the critical decisions, faster. This approach has been evident in industries such as automotive, aviation and manufacturing. Early warning systems tell the driver, pilot or production manager via a dashboard of a potentially vulnerable mechanism before it causes irreparable damage to the car, plane or whole production line. The fusion of art and science, supporting the authentic leader.

September 10, 2020

The importance of feedback for authentic leadership

For leaders across the world, the ability to communicate effectively and pick up the signs and signals from across the business are critical.

September 4, 2020

Intuition doesn’t ‘suit’ everyone – but it can save us from other dangers!

This article is a refreshingly honest account of how intuitive sensemaking drives our emotional response to our environment.

September 1, 2020

If you want to protect innovation in your organisation, measure your culture climate!

The ways that a lack of socialisation leads to long-term damage for organisations and their people

August 27, 2020

Keeping trust through communication

Trust is a fundamental building block for any organisation that wants to be successful.

August 24, 2020

Try connecting to your brain – more quickly!

Surprise, surprise there really is a value in the experience and skills that leaders can bring to the table; and they should not have to think ‘big data or no data’!

Red Arrows
August 20, 2020

The Red Arrows cannot fly away from uncomfortable truths

This article is a refreshingly honest account of how intuitive sensemaking drives our emotional response to our environment.

August 10, 2020

Leaders need to understand their organisation’s “nervous system”

We ask a huge amount of leaders today. A bit like the highly qualified medical expert, we expect our leaders to be familiar with the organisation’s “nervous system”.