
August 25, 2020

Is organisational change really that easy?

Changing what a company ‘is and does’ implies 2nd order, radical change.

August 24, 2020

Does autonomy increase grip and speed?

Michelin’s attempts to standardise its tyre manufacturing processes had stifled creativity, initiative and accountability. In 2013, it launched a bottom-up experiment to decentralise, which it calls ‘responsibilisation’. The plant manager behind the project, Bertrand Ballarin, believed that if you wanted to unleash initiative, you needed to let people on the ground decide how to do […]

August 24, 2020

Try connecting to your brain – more quickly!

Surprise, surprise there really is a value in the experience and skills that leaders can bring to the table; and they should not have to think ‘big data or no data’!

Red Arrows
August 20, 2020

The Red Arrows cannot fly away from uncomfortable truths

This article is a refreshingly honest account of how intuitive sensemaking drives our emotional response to our environment.

August 10, 2020

Leaders need to understand their organisation’s “nervous system”

We ask a huge amount of leaders today. A bit like the highly qualified medical expert, we expect our leaders to be familiar with the organisation’s “nervous system”.

triple novelty
July 31, 2020

Lessons from the pandemic: the pernicious effects of triple novelty

The COVID-19 pandemic is a novel event on a global scale, but what has caused its true impact for governments and organisations is the phenomenon of triple novelty.

July 30, 2020

The Challenge of Sensemaking for Leaders

Organisations experience novelty, either when their activities have resulted in them facing situations for which they were not prepared and had little or no experience, or because external events have forced them into the same space.