The Executive Team

A blend of experts from the fields of science, technology and business.

Charles Fallon


Mike Roe

Chief Executive

Dr Mike Carter

Chief Scientific Officer

Sarah Nelson

HR and Operations

Jackie Hutchings

Head of Marketing

Nick Middleton

Head of Client Services

Dan Brill

Principal Solutions Architect

Maureen Scott

Head of Product

November 6, 2020

Amplifying the quiet voices

Creating the right organisational culture and psychological safety necessary to give voice to quiet, diffident and dissenting colleagues is a laudable ambition.

November 5, 2020

It’s all about the dashboard!

Most leaders, even if they don’t have a “business intelligence dashboard’ will use key data and KPIs to help them manage the business, spot opportunities and improve performance.

October 8, 2020

The past is often seen as a frame of reference – is this helpful?

In a recent webinar, Mike Carter talked about the Apollo 13 mission and how leaders in the control room had to navigate a potentially catastrophic, novel event.

September 30, 2020

What if we could have this insight, everyday…..?

Imagine CEOs had an alert system that meant they could react to business issues long before they reached their desk?

September 17, 2020

What if feedback were like our central nervous system?

Receiving and responding to feedback needs to be that fusion of art and science. Let technology do the heavy lifting.

September 4, 2020

Making sense of change

When we see headline-grabbing forecasts such as a £480bn fall in UK economic activity we would be remiss not to consider what that means for our own organisations and whether we need to make some changes. Implementing an urgent change at a time of imminent threat or major crisis seems not only very opportune but […]

September 4, 2020

Intuition doesn’t ‘suit’ everyone – but it can save us from other dangers!

This article is a refreshingly honest account of how intuitive sensemaking drives our emotional response to our environment.

September 3, 2020

Culture boosts resilience

The importance of understanding the changes in culture climate within organisations brought about by major disruptive events like the pandemic.

September 3, 2020

Imitation really isn’t the sincerest form of flattery!

We can admire the attributes and skills of others but attempting to imitate them will result in a weak pastiche of the real thing.